This is the first post in our What Ever Happened To...
series, where we take a look back at bands we loved that just don't have it anymore, or maybe don't even exist anymore, and how they intersected with our lives. This week, Danny talks about his history with Turisas.
I still remember how I first heard of Turisas. It was junior year of high school, roughly early 2006. My friends Nicky and Patrick were over at my place working on a school project and devouring a whole tray of lasagna (thanks Mom!). The project, a completely ridiculous LEGO stop-motion take on Beowulf, took most of the day and was a lot of fun. When considering the backing music, Patrick pulled up this band I'd never heard of that had this epic intro track (
Victoriae & Triumphi Dominus). This was, of course, my first experience with folk metal, and I was intrigued.
Soon after we wrapped up and Nicky and Pat left, leaving the fridge significantly emptier than it had been, I got (illegally downloaded) the rest of Battle Metal. A metal band with an accordion and a violin? What the hell was this? And videos of Turisas performances I found online showed them dressed like bad LARPers with face paint and fake blood smeared everywhere. And I loved every second of it.
Battle Metal is one of those albums that came around at just the right time in my life. I had just started moving off of the classics like Metallica, Megadeth, Maiden, et al. and expanding into what I can only describe as heavier territory like Nevermore. Prior to
Battle Metal, I'd never really been big on harsh vocals, but Turisas scaffolded me through it with the overall bombastic, attention-grabbing music that caught my attention more than the vocals interfered with it. (Yes, you may absolutely make fun of me for this.) Considering my tastes in metal now, that is incredibly weird to write, but hey, we all gotta start somewhere.
Battle Metal initiated my love for cheesy folk metal, and blew the doors wide open for bands like Ensiferum, Alestorm, Eluveitie, and Wintersun to enter my music library. And these of course paved the way for the melodeath I'm obsessed with now, but I'm getting sidetracked.
Battle Metal is still a solid album, though it definitely drags at points ("Midnight Sunrise" does not need to be 8 minutes, and "One More" could definitely go for a trim) and as such suffers from an overall pacing issue. There's more than enough there to make one interested in folk metal broadly and in Turisas in particular. The title track, essentially the anthem for war-focused folk metal for a good few years, starts with epic synth horns and keeps that energy throughout; Sahti Waari uses the band's weird folky instrumentation to great effect; and Rex Regi Rebellis, despite its incredibly cheesy prologue track, remains the highlight of the album for me, even though singing in Finnish sounds kinda goofy to my English-hearing ears. It's a good debut album that promises much more to come.
And oh boy did it ever.
Turisas' mid-2007 release,
The Varangian Way ranks as one of my all-time favorite albums and is one of the few albums I actually own in physical form.
The Varangian Way takes everything that was great about
Battle Metal and brings it to a laser focus. You don't get a slow epic intro here though; the listener is thrown right into the action from the first riffs of "Holmgard and Beyond" and you're hooked. The pacing is perfect. The songwriting is easily Turisas's best. And the whole thing is a concept album (I'll let my history geek flag fly in a future post about this album). Also as a bonus track it has the fan-favorite unlikely cover of Boney M's "
Rasputin." Seriously, who listens to this and thinks "this would be a great metal song?" Anyway,
The Varangian Way is almost perfect. I wish it had a bit more to it (total length is a slim 43 minutes without bonus tracks), but I suppose it's better to trim the fat than to have a bloated pile with some good parts inside.
By the time I got my hands on The Varangian Way, I'm in college. I've met Greg. We bond over heavy metal and having the same obscure MP3 player (this was before everyone just used their phones, kids). Thanks in large part to my interactions with Greg, my tastes expanded very rapidly! Greg and I talked at length about bands, albums, songs we loved basically any time we weren't talking about Star Wars. We eagerly anticipated new releases, like Turisas' early 2011 release, Stand Up and Fight, expecting more of what we got from The Varangian Way. And we were both quite let down.
The Varangian Way was bold,
Stand Up and Fight was bland. Where
The Varangian Way was interesting and innovative,
Stand Up and Fight was restrained and formulaic. Where
The Varangian Way was great songs tightly woven together all the way through,
Stand Up and Fight was the aforementioned bloated pile with some good parts inside. The title track is a concert staple of theirs, but is really a worse "Battle Metal" as far as viking metal anthems go and I think "The March of the Varangian Guard" is the only other track that gets any regular concert time. Following
The Varangian Way was always going to be a tough ask, especially by me, but holy crap was this a disappointment. I think Greg summarized it best as "Viking Metal: The Broadway Musical." Except now I'd argue that's an insult to many Broadway musicals. Also for some reason, the band abandoned the LARPy Viking Ren Faire aesthetic for
Mad Max: The Road Warrior.
WITNESS... our decline into mediocrity. Also the accordionist is so not into this Mad Max shit. |
Of course, I kept my hopes alive that yeah, it was natural to have a bit of a slump after such a great release, but my hopes died pretty much on contact with the name of their next album,
Turisas2013. Seriously. I don't know what they were thinking. This remains one of the stupidest album names I've encountered in a genre full of stupid album names (see any overly pretentious black metal band for examples). Honestly, I'm not sure I've ever listened to this album all the way through, and I can't name a track on it without Wikipedia pulled up. It made that little of an impression on me. And given that I recognized all but maybe one of the songs they played when I saw them live in 2014, I wasn't missing a whole lot.
The biggest problem with Turisas' evolution over time, in my mind, was that after the bombastic epicness that I adored about their first two albums, they trimmed things down. Hell, they completely dropped the accordion soon after recording
Stand Up and Fight, and generally moved away from their folky roots. At one point I think I recall seeing a quote from the frontman, Mathias Nygård, that this stylistic change was because they wanted to focus on the live performance. Which I can respect; I've always thought backing tracks at a live show are kinda corny. But in doing so, I think they stripped away the piece of their identity that made Turisas stand out to begin with. They went from being a genre pioneer to a poor man's Ensiferum (and like, contemporary Ensiferum at that). Their live show was still a blast, but they lean mostly on older material, as well they should, in my mind.
Turisas hasn't released an album since 2013. The band is still active, participating in the great summer metal festivals across Europe as recently as this past summer, and touring Europe a bit before that in the spring, but one has to wonder if the show is getting a bit stale. Maybe there's another album somewhere in the works. Maybe life has caught up with Nygård and company as it has for many other artists and people's priorities changed. But whatever the reason, it seems like the Turisas I really once loved is done. I'd still see them in concert, because I know that will be more of the glory days, and I'll still keep my fingers crossed for another masterpiece of folk metal, but I can mostly recognize now that Turisas just isn't that band anymore.
That wouldn't stop me from being at least a bit intrigued by a new album though.